Tag: whole foods

Dewy Skin Summer Magic Stick

Dewy Skin Summer Magic Stick

It has been so ridiculously hot out in Jersey so far this Summer; temperatures have been in the 90s and super humid for over a week now. Summer is actually my least favorite time of year, heat and I don’t get along. I also get 

Well Done Weleda!

Well Done Weleda!

Although Weleda has been around since 1921, I have just discovered the brand. This is the first time I am trying one of their products, and so far so good. Before I even get into the product itself, let me talk about the company.   

You Need This Tool!

You Need This Tool!

Great Value Deep Cleansing Sponges Sponges seem to work wonders these days. Most of us beauty gurus are familiar with and will swear by our beauty blenders. Truthfully nothing works better. So when it comes to face cleansing I wasn’t surprised when my new favorite