Ulta Mini Haul- 21 Days of Beauty
Hey guys, This is my VERY FIRST VIDEO EVER, be nice. I have a canon video camera but I need a new charger for it, so I did this simple and filmed it on my phone. I just wanted to show you guys what I …
Honesty reviews of products that are good for the mind, body and earth
Hey guys, This is my VERY FIRST VIDEO EVER, be nice. I have a canon video camera but I need a new charger for it, so I did this simple and filmed it on my phone. I just wanted to show you guys what I …
Let me just state this quick fact, I’m not big on sheet masks. Why? I don’t like paying $5-15+ (depending on the brand) for one single use. Even if I buy a $40 mask in a tube or jar, I’m going to get at least …
Last week I made my very first Jeffree Star purchase. I saw a few great reviews on Youtube for the Summer Snowcone Skin Frost highlighter, so I wanted to try it for myself. I really did not need any new highlighters as I just purchased Becca …
I really hate bashing products and saying negative things about them, I really do want to like all the products I try. I want to be able to give every product a great review. Products made by smaller companies especially. Many smaller companies don’t have …
In the past 2 weeks I made two GINORMOUS purchases, one for $500 at Sephora two weeks ago and one from Ulta for $300 last week. I am all stocked in the makeup department. Really I don’t need anything right now. I don’t like to …
It has been so ridiculously hot out in Jersey so far this Summer; temperatures have been in the 90s and super humid for over a week now. Summer is actually my least favorite time of year, heat and I don’t get along. I also get …
I was quite excited when I picked up the box to Nourish Organic’s Lightweight Moisturizing Face Lotion. The very first thing that caught my eye was the roses on the box, followed by the USDA ORGANIC seal. If you read any of my previous posts …
Although Weleda has been around since 1921, I have just discovered the brand. This is the first time I am trying one of their products, and so far so good. Before I even get into the product itself, let me talk about the company. …
WE LAUNCHED! I am so excited about the launch of earthybeautyblog.com!! I was a couple of days behind, and it was A LOT OF WORK, but of course it was worth it. And The Winner Is . . . . Nesshateseveryone from Instagram! (Previously …
Today I’m talking about a brand most of us are familiar with, but products that have not been super popular. That brand is Tarte, and the products are from their Double Duty Beauty line. Tarte is a great cosmetic brand that makes …